What is your success rate?
Our training has worked on every dog we’ve worked with, and we’ve worked with an estimated 30,000 dogs since we started in 1971. During the first lesson, most of our clients see a completely different dog. It’s remarkable. Come see for yourself!
I've tried other training methods but they didn't work. Will this really work for me?
We guarantee that our training will work for your pet. We use a principle that’s 100% effective. Sometimes owners might have difficulty mastering the steady leader role. To circumvent that, we ask that owners have patience and diligence when learning how to humanely master their dog’s temperament.
Do you use clickers?
We do not use clickers. We combine praise, exercise, and discipline, by establishing a leadership role in the dogs’ mind thus bringing dogs under their owner’s control with a focus on bringing dogs under their owner’s control for long-lasting results.
How fast will I see results?
The results obtained utilizing the Harlan Broat method are immediate because we utilize a form of communication that the dog already understands.
Do you train using treats?
No. We aim to train your dog without any superficial methods. Instead, we recognized the need for a gentle method of obedience training based upon developing and molding the dog’s innate behavior until they become willing to recognize their owner as its leader, much the same as it would do naturally in a pack.
I have a very rambunctious dog. Will your training work for my animal?
Absolutely. We ask that our owners have patience and diligence when it comes to mastering their dog’s temperament, especially if they have an unruly dog. Our dog training is not a technique as much as it’s a mindset that the owner must learn. If you are willing to communicate gently, firmly and honestly with your pet, our principled approach will work. We do not yell or try to talk dogs into obeying. No one can yell or talk their dog into obeying them, and we certainly don’t plead with the unruly ones either. We don’t compromise. Instead, we stay firm and stick to our principled approach.
Do you use any form of punishment during training?
No. The American School of Dog Obedience techniques combines praise, exercise, and discipline, bringing dogs under their owner’s control and promoting a happier and more enjoyable pet. We are firm and deceive without anger or any abusiveness.
How many training programs do you have available?
How long is each class?
All programs include teaching the owner as well as the dog. This assures that the dog respects and obeys their owner and not only the professional instructor. Therefore, each session period varies between one and two hours depending on the unique needs of the pet and owner. We will be there every step of the way to make sure you learn how to demonstrate our principles effectively.